Autovolt Magazine


Toyota FCV Fuel Tank

Toyota Make Progress with Hydrogen Fuel Cell after Government Approval

Toyota has reached an important production staging post in its programme to launch its first fuel cell vehicle, gaining government-approved status to build and inspect high-pressure hydrogen tanks. This is a significant milestone for any fuel cell vehicle as legislation is not currently in favour of fabricating hydrogen storage tanks due to the gas’ volatile […]

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The Beijing Olympic Stadium (Bird’s Nest) where the world’s first fully-electric Formula E race will take place.

New Chinese Homes MUST Have EV Charge Posts Installed

New communities being built in and around Beijing will be required to install charge points for at least 18% of their parking units, according to a new government plan aimed at enhancing infrastructure and therefore adoption of electric powered vehicles. The plan, catchily titled, Enforcement Rules for Power-Charging Facilities for New-Energy Passenger Cars in Beijing

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DfT Highways Agency image

Highways Agency Reforms Underway

Sweeping changes to the way England’s major roads are managed moved a step closer after Transport Secretary Patrick McLoughlin approved wide-ranging reforms to the Highways Agency. In less than 12 months the Highways Agency will be transformed into a government-owned company tasked with managing and operating England’s motorway and strategic A-road network. The government has

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UK Government Reaffirms Commitment to EVs and Hybrids

The UK government yesterday announced their commitment to Ultra Low Emission Vehicles (ULEVs) by putting money where there mouth is with an additional £500 million pounds of funding to go toward the subsidy of purchases of qualifying vehicles plus for the creation of necessary infrastructure. Subsidies will continue until 2017 for buyers of either electric

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Go Ultra Low Campaign Backed by Government and Car Manufacturers

The Deputy Prime Minister has announced the UK government will invest more than £9 million to boost the number of charging points for electric cars. Major car manufacturers BMW, Nissan, Renault, Toyota and Vauxhall are all backing the Go Ultra Low campaign in a ground breaking partnership with government to debunk common myths and misconceptions

Go Ultra Low Campaign Backed by Government and Car Manufacturers Read More »

Nissan Leaf EV

Autumn Statement: How it Affects Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Owners

After the weekend, allowing hype and opinions to have been expressed nationwide, we feel it’s worth taking a look at the pros and cons of the Autumn Statement made by George Osborne last Thursday the 5th December. Electric vehicles The Government is charging up its plans to increase public sector fleet penetration of electric vehicles

Autumn Statement: How it Affects Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Owners Read More »

Ultra Low Emission Vehicle Funding Must Help Freight Decarbonise

In response to Nick Cleggs’ announcement of funding and his subsequent call to industry for a call for evidence, the Freight Transport Association (FTA) has said it is keen to emphasise the need for financial support for the freight sector to invest in alternative low carbon fuels and technologies in Government’s call for evidence on

Ultra Low Emission Vehicle Funding Must Help Freight Decarbonise Read More »