Autovolt Magazine

gesture control

e-Golf Exterior

VW Adds Gesture Control Concept to e-Golf at CES

When AutoVolt reviewed the VW e-Golf, the infotainment system was one of its highlights of the car, offering a fast and intuitive system to use. However, Volkswagen has now taken things one step further by adding gesture control and a new infotainment system that the company says is almost ready for production.

Gesture control is not solely intended for the e-Golf, however, as Volkswagen state they believe it will find its…

VW Adds Gesture Control Concept to e-Golf at CES Read More »

KIA at CES 2016 cockpit mockup

KIA Invests in Autonomous Driving with new DRIVE WISE Sub Brand

KIA has laid its autnomous driving cards on the table at CES this year, with the focus being on bringing semi-autonomous features to their vehicles by 2020 and full autonomous vehicles by 2030. The Korean company has created a new sub-brand, “DRIVE WISE” for what it is calling Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS). The idea is, of course, to increase safety for all on our roads and to this effect KIA will…

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