Autovolt Magazine

driverless car

BMW autonomous driving future with Intel and Mobileye

BMW Look to Intel for Future Autonomous Cars

BMW Group, Intel and Mobileye are creating an open platform for the next generation of cars to create a safe autonomous platform, from door locks to the datacenter.

Intel needs little introduction as the world’s largest chip maker who manufacture and supply computer chips for every conceivable device, from you home computer to – now – your car. It’s no surprise that car manufacturers are turning to established IT brands for hardware and software needs as cars become more and more like yet another appliance.

Mobileye might not be quite so well-known, but it is a small company making big waves…

BMW Look to Intel for Future Autonomous Cars Read More »

Most UK Motorists Against Driverless Cars, finds New Survey

More than half of the UK’s motorists oppose driverless cars as the country moves forwards with plans to allow autonomous technology trials to begin on our roads. 62% of drivers said they would feel less safe on the roads alongside other vehicles with no human behind the wheel. Almost three-quarters of those surveyed (72%) said there would be added complications to resolving insurance disputes involving “robo cars”.

Most UK Motorists Against Driverless Cars, finds New Survey Read More »

2016 Geneva Motor Show overview photo

Updated: Electric & Hybrid Cars at Geneva 2016

Nissan’s Geneva 2016 stand has their IDS Concept on show, which demonstrates the company’s vision for autonomous driving technology. Although the car is not new, Nissan’s directive is perhaps a little more aligned with partner company Renault’s, since the two announced a collaboration between their respective engineering departments so that, “two heads are better than one”, and there are no unnecessary duplications of investment and time. Resultantly, the company aims to get autonomous tech on the road sooner than you might think, albeit in a limited capacity. 2020 is the year when you can expect to finally take your hands away from the wheel altogether…

Updated: Electric & Hybrid Cars at Geneva 2016 Read More »

Faraday Future

Mysterious Startup Faraday Future to Invest $1 Billion in Electric Cars

Faraday Future (FF), a new electric vehicle and future mobility startup company, has announced the company will invest $1 billion in a U.S. manufacturing facility as a phase one investment. The company has been considering several locations including California, Georgia, Louisiana and Nevada, for its state-of-the-art facility. The exact site of FF’s first manufacturing facility will be announced in the coming weeks.

Mysterious Startup Faraday Future to Invest $1 Billion in Electric Cars Read More »