Autovolt Magazine

Chevrolet Bolt

Opel Ampera-e

Finally, Chevrolet Bolt Comes to Europe as the Ampera-e

When Chevrolet’s Bolt EV was unveiled, there was one question on the lips of most Europeans (and anyone outside of the US for that matter); when will the Bolt come to our shores? The question was largely ignored and only answered with cautious Chevrolet representatives who clearly were none the wiser about what the people upstairs were plotting…

Finally, Chevrolet Bolt Comes to Europe as the Ampera-e Read More »

Chevrolet Bolt EV 2017

Has Chevrolet’s Bolt Pushed Other EV Makers into Action?

Chevrolet aren’t known for their economising, planet-saving expertise. Instead, they’re best known for their completely at-odds gas guzzling cars that actively laugh in the face of polar bears. However, that’s a wholly unfair and out-dated reputation that is rapidly changing. Sure, like many major companies, they’re perhaps not as quick on their feet as – say – Tesla Motors, but like the young whipper-snapper, Chevrolet has the…

Has Chevrolet’s Bolt Pushed Other EV Makers into Action? Read More »