Autovolt Magazine


Low Carbon Truck and Refuelling Infrastructure Demo Trial Evaluation

Road trials report shows clear path ahead for low-carbon HGVs

Cenex, the UK’s first Centre of Excellence for low carbon and fuel cell technologies, today announced the release of its report findings from the Low Carbon Truck and Refuelling Infrastructure Demonstration Trial (Low Carbon Truck Trial). The trial was commissioned by the UK government to support the procurement of low-emission heavy-goods vehicle (HGV) technologies and […]

Road trials report shows clear path ahead for low-carbon HGVs Read More »

Prius plug-in & wind turbine

Cenex leads three-city Smart Mobile Energy project

Cenex – the UK’s first Centre of Excellence for low carbon and fuel cell technologies – today announced it will lead the Smart Mobile Energy project, supported by the Climate KIC. The Smart Energy Project will investigate how cities can increase energy efficiency and decrease carbon emissions by integrating vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technology into the existing

Cenex leads three-city Smart Mobile Energy project Read More »

Smart EVs

Bluesky Funds Use of Electric Vehicles to Measure Pollution

Bluesky is helping develop a mobile mapping system to measure pollution at street level. Working with the University of Leicester, the Leicestershire based aerial mapping company is helping to fund further research into air quality in one of the UK’s largest cities. Scientists armed with specially developed air quality sensors are taking to the streets

Bluesky Funds Use of Electric Vehicles to Measure Pollution Read More »

Nick Pascoe and Allan Cooper receiving Low Carbon Champions Award

Carbon Enhanced Lead-Acid Batteries to Power Advanced Diesel Electric

Carbon enhanced capacitive lead-acid batteries will be incorporated into the Advanced Diesel Electric Powertrain project known as ‘Adept’ was announced by Ricardo. The project, which will take more than two years to complete and is supported by the UK’s innovation agency the Technology Strategy Board, aims to apply the low voltage concept of ‘intelligent electrification’

Carbon Enhanced Lead-Acid Batteries to Power Advanced Diesel Electric Read More »

Ford Focus Electric

New Ford Focus Electric First Drive at CENEX LCV 2013

Ford’s first zero-emission family car will be on show at the CENEX Low Carbon Vehicle Event (LCV) 2013 which opens tomorrow at Millbrook Proving Ground in Bedfordshire. Visitors to LCV2013 – the UK’s premier low carbon vehicle technology event for vehicle manufacturers, automotive suppliers and research institutes – will be the first to drive in

New Ford Focus Electric First Drive at CENEX LCV 2013 Read More »

CENEX Low Carbon Vehicle Event 2013

Particulates Matter For Emissions Analytics at CENEX LCV 2013

Emissions Analytics, the leading provider of road-based emissions testing and analysis, will showcase its new particulates measurement service at this year’s Low Carbon Vehicle Event at Millbrook. As the most experienced provider of portable emissions testing in the UK, Emissions Analytics holds the largest database of vehicle data commercially available, covering over 90% of new

Particulates Matter For Emissions Analytics at CENEX LCV 2013 Read More »