Autovolt Magazine

Instant Roadside Penalties for Lane Hogs and Tailgaters

New laws come into effect today giving police officers the authority to pull over drivers and give them on the spot fines of £100 and three penalty points on their licence for tailgating or lane hogging.

The new laws have been created as a means to reduce the amount of minor offences going through the court process which costs the country fortunes every year.

Police officers will be required to make their own judgement, subjectively, as to whether or not an offender is indeed in breach of the law, leading to some saying the law is just another way to make money from motorists.

Others argue the new laws are a welcome change and breath of fresh air – literally – as it should help deter drivers from tailgating, allowing for safer distances to be kept and therefore safer roads.

Fines for driving while using a hand-held mobile phone or not wearing a seat belt have been increased from £60 to £100 and driving without insurance has been raised from £200 to £300 in the same new legislation, though the penalty points remain the same.

Drivers are able to opt for educational training as an alternative to penalty points being applied to their licence and drivers may also appeal in court if they feel fines have been incorrectly issued.

A typical motorway scene
A typical motorway scene